The girls are growing like crazy. Anna is loving kindergarten! She loves playing with the kids and she LOVES to ride the shuttle bus! Alayna is busy learning new things here and there. She says hilarious stuff once and a while (which is why I need to keep up on this blog, so I can actually remember that stuff), she loves playing with Bristol while Anna's at schooling she loves to help me n th kitchen. Bristol is getting so old and is learning tons of stuff each day. She has so much character and can be absolutely hilarious. The other day, she picked up a toy cow we have and said "horsey." I said "no, that's a cow." She replies, "moo!" :). She talks more and more each day and comes up with the funniest words, and even funnier, she uses them in the right context. For example, we were having devotions after supper and while reading, she toots and we all heard it and she giggled and said "toot!" It was hard not to laugh since we didn't know she even knew that word!
Hopefully I get better at updating this blog and can remember more of the hilarious moments!
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