Alayna is 8 months today!!! Can't believe how fast time has gone. I feel like in the past week she has gone from being my little baby to an adventurous and fearless little girl. She is officially crawling (the correct way) and now pulls herself up to stand next to things. It's so cute to see her trying to keep up with Anna. Anna is usually pretty patient with her and doesn't mind it when Alayna will literally crawl all over her.
Anna had a milestone yesterday - 35 months. In one month she will be 3!!!! She too is growing so big. In the past month or two, Anna's favorite thing is singing. She loves singing, "Twinkle, Twinkle", "Jesus Loves Me", "This Little Light Of Mine", the alphabet song and so many more. Her favorite is a Lynelle Pierce CD we listen to in the car everywhere we go. It's so cute when we turn the car off and the song stops, Anna will just keep singing and finish most of the verse. She loves "Down In My Heart". The other day, I was driving and was taking song requests from her. When one song got done, she would specifically ask for another favorite of hers.
They are both such little honeys and we feel so blessed that God has given them to us so that we can watch them grow and raise them in the fear of His name.
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